Wednesday 6 October 2010

Legal and Ethical Restrictions

Criminal Law

The laws of a State or Country dealing with criminal offenses and their punishments.

Civil Law

The laws of a State or Country dealing with private and civilian affairs

Heath and Safety

During a Photo shoot, there are many health and safety checks you need to do before starting. You need to be sure there are no trailing cables on the floor from lights, in case anyone trips ofver them, all equipment should be sturdily fitted to prevent anything faling on anyone during a shoot, all non-necessary personnel should be off the floor to be sure no one bumps into any equipment.


A person's exclusive right to reproduce, publish, or sell his or her original work of authorship as a literary, musical, dramatic, artistic, or architectural work. Copyrights are governed by the Copyright Act of 1976 contained in title 17 of the U.S. Code. The Act protects published or unpublished works that are fixed in a tangible medium of expression from which they can be perceived.

Libel Law

Defamation - publishing a false piece of information that places a negative image on a company or person that you claim to be true.

Libel – Defamation by written or printed words, in a magazine, newspaper, or the internet.

Slander – Defamation by oral utterance, such as rumours.

Data Protection Act

An Act to make sure that the processing of information relating to individuals, including the obtaining, holding, use or disclosure of such information is regulated.


Sports personalities – Recently sports personalities are being given a bad reputation as all cheaters, when if you look at the big picture, only a small percentage of this bracket are committing adultery.

Teenagers – In the media all teenagers are either presented as angels or devils, mainly the Latter. The only time you will see a teenager in the news, is if they have done something extremely bad or extremely good, there is no middle.

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