Wednesday 6 October 2010

NUJ - National Union of Journalists

The NUJ is a union for Journalists, to provide journalists with training, and to provide them with legal support if any legal action is taking against them. The NUJ is self regulatory in the fact they are a group of Journalists who look after other journalists, helping them in the working world. The NUJ is campaigning to close the gender pay gap in the media by supporting members being treated unfairly, they also help members by encouraging them to help themselves and take part in campaigning activities. A combination of the recession and the drive by media owners to maintain impossible profit levels has led to a sharp fall in the work available for freelance journalists, the NUJ are trying to support these now redundant journalists by finding them work and campaigning for them. The NUJ are also campaigning for free press, as such a strict surveillance in deemed unfair, to give a freer aspect of journalism.

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